Our Community in Action

My Favorite Holiday Dish: Buttercreams & Welsh Rarebit
We all celebrate in different ways with different traditions. But nearly every holiday memory you create this year will involve food. Executive Director, Shannon Cameron, shares her favorite holiday dishes

My Favorite Holiday Dish: Tuna Casserole
We all celebrate in different ways with different traditions. But nearly every holiday memory you create this year will involve food. Becky, Community Impact Manager, shares her favorite dish with

My Favorite Holiday Dish: Little Pig Souffle
We all celebrate in different ways with different traditions. But nearly every holiday memory you create this year will involve food. Katie Arko, Senior Director of Development, shares her favorite holiday

En este problema: Sin despensas móviles en diciembre Cierre por vacaciones Eddie Galván – 10 años de servicio Zine (micro revista) – Envío de recetas Becas Waubonsee Se necesitan bolsas

December Newsletter
In This Issue: No Mobile Pantries in December Closure for Holidays Eddie Galvan – 10 years of service Zine (micro magazine) – Recipe Submission Waubonsee Scholarships Grocery Bags Needed Afternoon Distribution For

Giving Tuesday
Matching Gifts for Giving Tuesday! For Giving Tuesday, November 29, 2022 ONLY: Karen Leonard, friend of the pantry, has issued a challenge grant of $11,000 to our community. This donation