Our Community in Action

In the Spotlight: October 2023
There are lots of ways people keep busy after they retire: spending time with their grandchildren, golfing, traveling, researching their family tree, and, let’s not forget, playing pickleball. But according

In the Spotlight: September 2023
A Sunday School teacher’s creativity is shining at Zion Lutheran Church in Naperville, and because of that imagination, this month the entire congregation is in the September spotlight! Dawn Bodine

Representative Lauren Underwood Visits the Pantry to Help Connect Families to Internet Service
Representative Lauren Underwood visited the Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry in August to talk to neighbors about the Affordable Connectivity Program. The program helps connect families and households struggling to

In the Spotlight: August 2023
In the spotlight in August, meet Sister Katrina. A Sister with a purpose and a former Catholic educator who is still making a difference! In 2021, after 53 years of

In the Spotlight: July 2023
Jim retired years ago, but he knew he had more time and energy to give. He saw an article in the newspaper about the need for volunteers at the Aurora

In the Spotlight: June 2023
In the spotlight for June, meet Eddie! Eddie is the Program Director at the Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry. He has worked at the pantry for more than 10 years!