Court-Ordered Service

The Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry’s Court-Ordered Community Service Program is for individuals who need to complete hours as ordered by a judge. Offenses requiring an individual to serve court-ordered community service may be completed at the Aurora Food Pantry. All individuals with court-ordered community service hours must:

  • Be at least 14 years old. Participants under the age of 18 must have a completed Parental Consent Form upon arrival.
  • Orientation is a one-on-one interview. You do not receive credit for this time. After your interview is conducted, you can sign in for service after orientation is complete. To schedule, please email Marcy Robles, Volunteer Coordinator, or call (630) 701-6291.
  • You must provide a valid photo ID and court documents outlining case number(s) and charge(s).
  • If you come to orientation without the items listed above, you will need to leave and reschedule.
  • If you have been charged with a violent or sexual offense, you will not be permitted to work at the Aurora Food Pantry and will need to seek community service opportunities elsewhere.

The Court-Ordered Program is separate from our volunteer program.